
Broken snow globe? Don't Despair, We Can Repair!

Every holiday season, as people gently unwrap their favorite ornaments and decorations, there are a few gasps and tears when a favorite snow globe is found broken.Maybe the glass globe has cracked, or perhaps the liquid has clouded or evaporated. Regardless, a childhood treasure isn't ready for prime time on the mantle display. Don't throw that broken snow globe away without checking to see if it can be repaired. While Snow Globe Central does not fix mechanical globes or music box snow globes, we can often repair many broken snow globes. We can replace round glass globes in several sizes,...

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Custom Snow Globes + Holiday Giving = Big Smiles

Order deadline is next week.It's not too late to order a one of a kind, custom snow globe for your favorite person this year.Snow Globe Central and our band of merry elves are working long hours to fill orders to be sure there's a huge smile under more trees this year. Our recommended deadline is Monday, December 15. For orders shipping everywhere but the East coast, we can accept custom orders as late as Tuesday, December 16.After that, please contact the shop for information on availability and rush shipping options.What can you expect from a personally-designed snow globe from Snow Globe...

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Wrap Your Memories in Love and Sparkles

We all have them somewhere, those gorgeous vintage photos in a shoe box or cedar chest. The fading images that show the bright eyes and promise of childhood, the smiles of yesteryear. Don't they deserve better than to be tucked in the dark, unseen? Give a treasured memory a new look by creating a one of a kind, Custom Snow Globe with Snow Globe Central. You can scan a vintage print yourself, or take it to many photo shops, or photo counters at grocery stores and drug stores, to create a digital file. We will take that digital file, and create, step by step,...

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It's the Thought That Counts

We aren't ones to say that sending a bouquet of flowers isn't appreciated, or that a gift card to a favorite store won't get you a hug and a smile, but creating a one-of-a-kind personal Snow Globe takes your gift-giving to a whole new level.At Snow Globe Central, YOU are the designer. You select a favorite photo, choose the crop (the arch chosen for this photo frames the scene perfectly, just like the arch of a covered bridge during the changing of the leaves in autumn), you select the type of sparkles and confetti to shake up the design, you...

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Awards and Applause

We're always lucky when we happen to cross paths with someone special who deserves an award: that tireless volunteer, the person who always says "sure I can do that" or the person who comes up with an elegant solution to a gritty problem. Those are the people who make events work smoothly and deserve a little praise for their efforts.While we have nothing against an engraved plaque, sometimes you want to do a little more. A Custom Snow Globe is a great "award" and appreciation item, with the opportunity to showcase a unique photo inside, and the fun interactive joy...

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